Saturday, June 20, 2009

Build Session 23 (240 mins): Shaping the Adapter Plate

I decided to hold off on the dual motor setup for now in hopes of getting this truck up and running this year.

This weekend Jared, Chad, and I marked and cut the 1/2 inch adapter plate that connects the transmission bell housing to the motor adapter.

We used the Rigid band saw with a 3/4 inch Lenox Bi-Metal blade and a LOT of aluminum cutting oil. The cutting was slow going but the end result was worth it. After cutting we cleaned up the edges with the grinder, wire wheel, and a little filing. During the next build session we will drill the holes and bolt the bell housing to the adapter plate.

The adapter plate before we cut...

Clamping the plate down and then tracing the bell housing...
 The cutting is slow...Chad keeps the blade plenty lubed with aluminum cutting oil which definitely saved the blade.
 We used to brush to keep the oil where we wanted it...
 Still cutting hours later...
Pretty good for a 3/4 inch band saw blade...
I'm grinding down the rough cuts... 
Chad decided to hand file a bit.
Perfect fit...I like it. Its ready for drilling during the next build session.


Unknown said...

How did you center the motor ring to the plate/transmission?

Kurt Clayson said...

Sam - The adapter assembly came prealigned from with temporary pins holding the entire assembly together. Including the splined clutch disc.

Unknown said...

was the adapter "plate" prealigned to the trany?
On my S 10 there were two line up pins to the motor/trany. did your plate come with these two holes pre drilled? Or did you have to do it?

Kurt Clayson said...

Sam - My transmission did not have pins. It just had six bolt holes. You'll need to drill the holes for your transmission alignment pins relative to how you want the motor positioned at final assembly. In my case we wanted the motor power terminals on the right hand side.